Thursday, December 8, 2011

Video: Congressional Hispanic Caucus Member Oblivious to Fast and Furious

This is where implausible deniability and willful ignorance migrates into the lying department. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered one year ago on December 15th. Shortly after that, it became known that the ATF was involved. Since then, it has been in the news rather consistently. At least 200 Mexican nationals are dead as a result of the operation. Despite all of that, Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY) denies knowing anything about it.

Michelle Fields at the Daily Caller asked Velazquez about the operation at a Congressional Hispanic Caucus event:

The Democratic Party is actively courting the Hispanic vote. Yet, no one has suffered more from Fast and Furious than... Hispanics. In particular, hundreds of Mexican nationals are dead as a direct result of the operation for which Attorney General Eric Holder is ultimately responsible.

Velazquez is Puerto Rican and as a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, one would think that she would be very interested in Fast and Furious.

On the contrary, she's unwilling to stand up for Hispanics because it would damage her party.

Who are the racists again?

If ever there existed substantial evidence that Democrats place Party and ideology ahead of race, meet the quintessential example. Her name is Congressional Hispanic Caucus member, Nydia Velazquez.

More here.

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