Saturday, December 31, 2011

Religious Bigotry at a Muslim School? Christian Principal Fired

Welcome to the real version of Islamic tolerance, multi-culturalism, and diversity. A Christian principal and his wife say they were fired from an Islamic school because they were not Muslim. Keep this in mind whenever anyone attempts to tell you that the Ground Zero mosque is all about bringing different religions together.

Via the Daily Mail:
A principal and his wife have been sacked from a college whose stated aim is to promote multiculturalism because they are white Christians, they claim.

Professor Malory Nye, 47, says he was dismissed from the Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education in Dundee, Scotland, because his race and religion were seen by his superiors as a threat to its core Muslim values.

He says the college’s claims to pursuing multicultural values were a charade and that he was dismissed so he could be replaced by a Muslim.

His wife Isabel Campbell-Nye, 42, alleges she was forced from her position as head of the English language centre because she attracted too many students who were not Muslims or Arabs.
Unless I'm mistaken, this is what we call religious bigotry, is it not? Isn't it interesting that the school apparently went out of its way to bill itself as one that promotes multiculturalism but actually rejects it when the rubber meets the road? Meanwhile, the left continues to point its collective finger at 'Islamophobes.'

It sounds like this completely naive couple actually got an education by being fired.
The couple allege that Abubaker Abubaker, the director of operations, and Mirza al-Sayegh, chairman of its board of directors and private secretary to the Sheikh, decided to force them out because they were British, white and Christian. 
Prof Nye told the Telegraph: 'It is clear to me that there is collusion between these two individuals that I should be removed from my position on the basis that I am not an Arab and not a Muslim and that the person who has the role of principal should be Arab and/or Muslim. 
'Multiculturalism and respect for cultural and religious differences are, I had thought, core values of the college. 
'However, I believe that such inclusive multiculturalism no longer fits the particular type of multicultural vision of certain managers and the chairman, that is accepting of different cultures, so long as the majority of students are Muslims and/or Arabs and the ethos is distinctly Islamic. 
'My face and lack of Muslim faith no longer fit.'
It will be interesting to see if the Nyes actually wake up to the lie they've been fed or if they seek out another 'multi-cultural' Islamic school.

h/t GWP

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