Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ron Paul Catching the Wrath of Sheila Jackson Lee

One of the members of the racist group known as the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is going after Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) over the racist comments that appeared in the latter's newsletters.

Via the Houston Chronicle:
One of the newsletter articles described Rep. Barbara Jordan, a Houston Democrat revered in the civil rights community, as “the archetypal half-educated victimologist, yet her race and sex protect her from criticism.”

The story was covered extensively by the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News in 1996, when Paul sought to reclaim a seat in Congress, and 2007, when Paul was running for the Republican presidential nomination. But the newsletters did not receive significant media attention until last week, when the Texas congressman took the lead in the Iowa presidential caucuses.

Today, the woman who represents the Houston congressional district long represented by Jordan demanded an apology.

“Ron Paul cannot continue to pursue the position of the presidency of the United States of America without formally apologizing and discussing his true positions regarding these newsletter writings,” Jackson Lee said in a statement.
Moments like these lend themselves to Alien vs. Predator comparisons, where both sides are bad and you just want to see each go after the other.

The comment from Paul about Jordan, if she was anything like Lee, is probably not that far off, especially when it comes to her intellect.

Lee, a vice-chair for the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) caucus, once asked if the Mars rover would be able to get some video of the flag Neil Armstrong planted.

Frankly, if Paul wants to see an increase in support, he should probably stand behind the portion of the newsletter that Lee objects to. His problems are likely to come from the likes of David Duke and Donald Black, the founder of STORMFRONT and former American Nazi Party member. They have both expressed support for Paul, in part, based on the content in those newsletters.

As a Republican, Paul could benefit from some raised dander on any member of the CBC but his alleged anti-Israel views coupled with a David Duke endorsement (Duke has said he will vote for Paul but has not officially endorsed him), won't do him any favors.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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