Saturday, December 3, 2011

Van Jones Calling for Shutdown of Major Ports; isn't that a Serious Crime?

Someone on the House Judiciary committee that Eric Holder will be in front of on December 8th should ask him what the Justice Department plans to do about Van Jones calling for the shut down of all major ports on the west coast on December 12th. The former Green Jobs czar is now calling for collective criminal behavior that should put him and anyone leading such an effort under FBI investigation immediately.

Jones linked to this story via twitter:
Occupy movements plan to shut down major ports along the U.S. West Coast and Canada's Pacific seaboard in a day of action next month, they said Wednesday. 
In an announcement hours after a two-month-old anti-Wall Street protest camp was evicted in Los Angeles, they said they plan to strike back against the "nationally co-ordinated attack on the Occupy movement." 
Local Occupy movements in San Diego, L.A., Oakland - where protests shut down the port for 24 hours last month - Portland, Taco-ma and Seattle will support the Dec. 12 day of action, they said.
The story also quotes a woman who has become somewhat of a formal / informal spokesman for Occupy Oakland, Barucha Peller:
"We're shutting down these ports because of the union busting and attacks on the working class by the one per cent," said Barucha Peller of the West Coast Port Blockade Assembly, of Occupy Oakland, in a statement. 
"We are also striking back against the nationally co-ordinated attack on the Occupy movement. In response to the police violence and camp evictions against the Occupy movement, this is our co-ordinated response against the one per cent. 
"On Dec. 12th we will show are collective power through pinpointed economic blockade of the one per cent," she added.
Some might remember that Peller attempted to hold a makeshift news conference one day after the general strike in Oakland. It failed miserably and is worth the watch if you haven't seen it.

h/t Katie Pavlich at Townhall and GWP for this image:

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