Monday, December 5, 2011

Video: Donald Trump Rips MSNBC's Chuck Todd

Those of us on the right know one very simple fact. The mainstream media is in the tank for the White House and lies as a matter of course, whether through overt misstatements or blatant omissions. MSNBC's Chuck Todd is among the worse offenders. That's what makes this so good.

You don't even need to know what Donald Trump and Todd are discussing. All you need to know is that Todd led into the interview by stating a falsehood, that Trump wanted to respond to a poll. Trump calls him on it and doesn't relent until Todd fesses up, which ultimately had to do. While on the ropes, Todd erred on what would normally be an insignificant misstatement but Trump pounced, causing the MSNBC reporter to roll his eyes.

This is also why people like Trump but for some insipid reason, too many people on the right fail to follow the model.

Take note, Republican candidates:

h/t Hapblog

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