Monday, December 5, 2011

Confirmed: Hillary Clinton Lives in Alternate Universe

There is a difference between 'Diplomacy-speak' and sheer insanity. Hillary Clinton has crossed that line. In this one instance, her rhetoric is so diametrically out of phase with reality that we are left to conclude that either a.) she's an agent of America's enemies, b.) she's insane, or c.) she lives in an alternate universe. Ironically, giving her the benefit of the doubt, which I am doing in this case, requires going with the third option.

Via AFP:
Israeli ministers reacted angrily on Sunday after local media quoted U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as saying she feared for the future of Israel’s democracy and the rights of women in the Jewish state. 
Clinton’s remarks, reportedly made Saturday behind closed doors at the Saban Forum in Washington, made headlines in most Israeli newspapers, which reported them without explaining how they obtained the comments. 
Top-selling Yediot Aharonot said Clinton had expressed concern about a slew of “anti-democratic” bills proposed by right-wing members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. 
And the newspaper said Clinton had described shock at hearing that some buses in Jerusalem were gender segregated and some religious Israeli soldiers refused to attend events where women would sing.
The Hitler-loving Muslim Brotherhood (indisputable facts are not subject to Godwin's Law) is rising to power all across the Middle East as a direct result of policies endorsed by Hillary Clinton. While she complains of gender segregation on buses, agents of the Ikhwan are ushering in Sharia Law, which persecutes women and treats them as less than human.

Then again, Hillary's top aide for eight years was none other than Huma Abedin, whose family has extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps Hillary has been brainwashed.

h/t Weasel Zippers

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps this might add to your post:

    Hypocrite? When Looking for Votes, Hillary Clinton Was Comfortable with Chareidi Traditions.
