Saturday, January 14, 2012

Al Gore in 2007: North Pole Gone in Five Years; Five Years later, North Pole still there

Actually, Al Gore has been saying that the North Pole will melt in "five years" for several years now. For some reason, the phrase "five" never seems to change as the years pass by. In any event, Gore first said that the North Pole would be gone in five years as a result of man-made global warming at the Davos Conference on Climate Change in 2007.

Then, one year later, in 2008, Gore said the North Pole would be gone in "five years." Uh, based on the fact that he had said it a year earlier, shouldn't he have said "four years"?

Since the 2008 video of Gore making the absurd prediction is no longer available, here's something that's a little better, especially in light of the fact that it exposes him as the fraud he is. This is from 2009. Watch as the sycophantic Harry Smith asks Gore to read a poem at about the same time climategate was being exposed.

Harry came dangerously close to giving Gore the key to his hotel room.

h/t GWP

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