Saturday, January 14, 2012

Video: Ron Paul shows his Love for Iran

In the wake of the Iranian nuclear scientist who was assassinated with a car bomb, Ron Paul seems to jump to the defense of Iran here. In fact, right off the bat, Paul says, "We should empathize with them" and calls Iran "victims of terrorism." A little later, he refers to Iran as "a very weak nation" and that "they don't want trouble." Paul proceeds to call "the idea that (Iran) is looking for a fight," nothing more than a "concoction," which only garners more sympathy for a country found to have been behind the 9/11 attacks just last month.

Pay attention at the 3:40 mark. Fox's Megyn Kelly asks Paul what he would do as President if Iran followed through with its threat to shut down the straits of Hormuz. His answer? There really isn't one. He makes an attempt to say withdrawing the sanctions would prevent them from doing such a thing. He then seems convinced that Iran would never shut down the straits.

As I watched this, I kept waiting for this guy to unzip his body suit and Jimmy Carter to be revealed.

h/t Hapblog

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