Thursday, January 12, 2012

Disgraceful: Mercedes Uses Che Guevara to Promote Vehicles

Those who make the charge that the push for green technology in the name of preventing climate change have a hidden and very nefarious agenda just had their case bolstered by an unlikely source - Mercedes Benz. Hitler was an environmentalist and the German car maker Mercedes Benz is using an image of Che Guevara - with a Mercedes logo on his beret - to promote car pooling to help save the environment.

Via CBS News:
"Some colleagues still think that car-sharing borders on communism," Mercedes-Benz Chairman of the Board of Management Dieter Zetsche said onstage at CES today, speaking about Mercedes' new CarTogether initiative. "But if that's the case, viva la revolucion!"

To be sure, a luxury-car maker like Mercedes is not actually promoting communism. But during his CES talk, Zetsche pushed hard on a vision that the company has for a greener future that allows drivers to reduce emissions by using connected and social technology to easily find compatible passengers to share rides with.

Still, it's odd--and no doubt intended to stir up conversation--to hear a company so inexorably tied to money and lavish lifestyles invoking philosophies like communism. Especially with a picture of Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara towering over Zetsche as he talked. Of course, Che's signature beret sported a Mercedes logo.
It's a crime in Germany to deny the holocaust. It's apparently a-ok for one of that country's best known car makers to use a Hitler wannabe to sell cars.

Truly insane times.

No, I mean truly insane times.

Read it all.

1 comment:

  1. For Dieter Zetsche - Daimler (Mercedes) to invoke the sickly, pock mark faced little vicious sadistic coward rapist and and mass murderer Ernesto Guevara, AKA "Che" in iconic symbol for their brand is simply beyond unconscionable, beyond outrageous. Honestly, there simply are not words. Going the route of Mercedes "leadership", headed up by Zetsche, why not invoke Senor Schnicklgruber, AKA Adolf Hitler in Mercedes promotion...? After all, Hitler did more for Mercedes than Guevara ever could or did, was renowned to drive around in Mercedes - therefore really promoting the brand.

    Dieter Zetsche and the entire Daimler board ought to be fired, period.

    ps: Hey Deiter, I have a question for you. How many Mercedes Benz are annually sold in Cuba? Just asking.
