Thursday, January 12, 2012

DNC Chair Still Blaming Tea Party for Giffords Shooting

There's a difference between spinning to score political points and outright egregious propaganda to further an agenda. Here, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz engages in the latter by attributing culpability to the Tea Party while discussing the Tucson shootings one year ago.

The time for attempting to understand this level of evil is long past but that doesn't make it any less important. The facts on the Tucson shooting came in long ago. Shooter Jared Loughner was an insane individual who was, at best, apolitical. If anything, the evidence points to him being leftist, if political at all, which would place him on Wasserman-Schultz's end of the spectrum.

After all, he listed the Communist manifesto and Mein Kampf as two of his favorite books. The former is at the heart of left-wing ideology and the latter was authored by Hitler, a man who sympathized with Islamists, like the left does today.

h/t Hot Air

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