Sunday, January 29, 2012

Is Romney's Florida Spokesman redistricting Allen West out of Existence?

If this is true, the Tea Party may have an issue to take national. Florida state representative Tim Weatherford (R) is a Florida spokesman for the Romney campaign. According to the Shark Tank, he has confirmed that Rep. Allen West (R) may be a victim of redistricting.
One of Governor Mitt Romney’s spokesmen was Florida Representative Will Weatherford, and during the course of his remarks in the “Spin Room”, he shed a very dim light on the ongoing redistricting process in the Florida Legislature. Over the past several weeks, many Republicans have voiced their disappointment towards the Republican legislature after the release of the preliminary redistricting maps. Much of the ire concerns the proposed boundaries of Congressman Allen West’s 22nd Congressional District that would be redrawn to include far more registered Democrats.
William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection seems to think this is a foregone conclusion:
A website, SaveAllenWest, had been set up, but it appears to be too late.

One of the rising stars of the Tea Party is about to be sacrificed by the Republican establishment in Florida, led by someone spinning for Mitt Romney.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Folks, this is establishment level arrogance on display. The Tea Party is being slapped in the face because one of its members - West - isn't towing the establishment line. There is a way for the Tea Party to have the last laugh, however.

Though West hasn't officially endorsed Gingrich, he has been defending the former Speaker against establishment attacks recently. Gingrich has also said he would consider West when selecting a running mate. West hinted that he would be interested.

If a scenario plays out where Lt. Col. Allen West is redistricted out of a job, it might be the perfect opportunity for Newt to launch a counter-attack by naming the Tea Party favorite as his running mate.

One of the downsides to a presidential candidate selecting a running mate from Congress is that, well, you lose that candidate's vote in Congress. That's one of the best arguments against the eventual nominee selecting Florida Senator Marco Rubio. If Gingrich overcomes the odds and wins the nomination, West could be much more appealing in terms of him being out of a job anyway. The payback factor would be nice too.

Having someone as Vice President with West's military background could be a perfect fit.

Anyway, here is video of Weatherford.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone with half a brain knew that sooner or later this was coming.
    "There's nothing more 'revolting' than the naked truth".
