Sunday, January 29, 2012

Video: Why this is the Sleaziest ad from Romney Campaign

It is politics so the notion that the Romney campaign could be found guilty of defamation or slander for this ad is indeed laughable but that doesn't make it any less defamatory. The ad features a January 21, 1997 news report from NBC's Tom Brokaw in which the anchor reports on a bipartisan Congress voting to find then-Speaker Newt Gingrich guilty of ethics violations, with a harrowing music bed.

First, watch the ad and I'll illustrate exactly why it's so despicable.

What Romney - whose voice approval you heard at the end of that ad - ignores is the fact that in 1999, Gingrich was fully and completely vindicated. I've posted this before but in the context of that Romney ad, it's even more relevant.

Here is a CNN news report from 1999 in which Brooks Jackson reported that Gingrich had been fully exonerated of all the charges that Romney is attempting to pin on the former Speaker.

Romney's ad incorporates the dishonest tactics of the left and wasn't it Romney who in a recent debate said that if the tactics of the left are used, they will be turned back on those who use them?

h/t Hapblog

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