Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Is this Ron Paul's 'Jeremiah Wright'?

Not sure if the relationship between Robert Pape and Ron Paul is as close as the relationship between Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright but the fact that Paul defers to Pape's 'expertise' on the former's website is more than a little disconcerting. In a web entry on his site about why Muslims are attacking the United States, Paul (are we to assume it's actually Paul) writes:
Robert Pape has extensively researched this issue and goes in depth in his book "Cutting the Fuse:  The Explosion of Global Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop It".  In fact, of 2,200 incidents of suicide attacks he has studied worldwide since 1980, 95% were in response to foreign occupation.

Pape notes that before our invasion of Iraq, only about 10% of suicide terrorism was aimed at Americans or American interests.  Since, then however, not only is suicide terrorism greatly on the rise, but 91% of it is now directed at us.
In a column by Joel Richardson at WND, the writer points out that Pape has some disturbing ties to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has extensive ties to Hamas and the larger Muslim Brotherhood. He links to an article written in 2010 and posted to the Investigative Project on Terrorism website:
University of Chicago political scientist Robert Pape, whose research finds religious extremism has a limited role in suicide bombings, is working secretly with a suspected Hamas front to pump up sales of his new book, the Investigative Project on Terrorism has learned. That includes a secret agreement by CAIR to have its chapters around the country to buy them in bulk so they can manipulate the sales to move up the bestseller ranks. Pape is also scheduled to appear at this weekend's national banquet for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
If Paul is citing Robert Pape as someone who has helped to reinforce the congressman's view on these subjects, it explains quite a bit about the presidential candidate's insane positions. It also helps to explain why he's getting the 'Truther' vote. Ain't it funny how much of the Islamic world consists of truthers too?

Read it all.

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