Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Report: Romney PAC Donated $36,000 to SC Nikki Haley BEFORE she Endorsed him

If true, this is disgusting on so many levels. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley rode the Tea Party wave to office in 2010. She was smeared relentlessly by the media as being an adulteress and the only way she was able to overcome it was avid Tea Party supporters who fought for and defended her honor.

Now this.

Via Posner Politics:
Gov. Nikki Haley announced her endorsement of Mitt Romney in mid-December. 
The Republican presidential candidate, regarded to be somewhat moderate, earned her Tea Party support because “he knows how the private economy works, how to fix it, and most importantly how to solve problems,” Haley said in her announcement.

The fact that Romney knows how to donate to campaigns might have more to do with it, though.

His “Free and Strong America” political action committee donated $36,000 to Haley’s campaign in 2010.
If true, this goes a LONG way to explaining why so many prominent Republicans have come out for Romney. It also would mean that Romney's PAC likely foresaw this scenario back in 2010, when it contributed to Haley's campaign.

h/t Free Republic

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