Sunday, January 22, 2012

Video: Arizona looking to sue the Feds over Fast and Furious

The Feds have been going after Arizona for quite some time. First, there was SB 1070, Arizona's tough immigration law. The Feds sued to have it overturned and a federal judge did the next best thing; she blocked it and the law has subsequently wallowed, suspended in its operation. Then, sheriff Joe Arpaio was attacked and harassed by Eric Holder's Justice Department, which charged that he violated the civil rights of minorities.

This could be what we call payback, depending on how far it goes. As the scandal that broke a year ago continues to percolate in two House Committees (Oversight and Judiciary), the state of Arizona is looking into the possibility that the Feds may have violated any of the state's laws. This makes for an interesting development in light of the fact that the head of the state's criminal division for the US Attorneys Office, pleaded the fifth when subpoenaed to testify in front of the Oversight committee.

h/t Hot Air

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