Sunday, January 22, 2012

Video: Ann Coulter whines about Gingrich win

Wait a minute. Ann Coulter goes on Fox and Friends to defend Mitt Romney by defending John King as a "fair" and "honest" reporter in an attempt to go after Newt Gingrich for winning in South Carolina?! According to Coulter, King had every right to ask the question he did. What Coulter is blind to is that it's not just about liberal reporters asking tough questions of Republicans; it's the fact that they DIDN'T ask similar questions of Barack Obama.

Coulter's blind support of establishment candidates is no longer inexplicable; it's to be expected.

Perhaps most surprising is that Coulter attacks Newt for calling Obama a socialist while Romney won't go that far.

Uh, Ann, Obama is a socialist.

Gingrich is rattling the establishment and Coulter's irrational diatribe comes across as blatantly petulant.

Via Fox News:

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