Saturday, January 28, 2012

Video: Greta Interview with Newt on Florida Campaign Bus

This is an excellent two-part interview between Fox News Channel's Greta van Susteren and Newt Gingrich. The Romney campaign, which has become increasingly petulant didn't seem to like it very much. Before watching the interview, check out what Greta posted about the angry responses she got from Romney supporters, who are actually behaving like unhinged liberals.

Via Gretawire:
I received more than one nasty email from Gov Romney supporters criticizing me for coming to Florida and interviewing Speaker Gingrich in person and not Gov Romney. Perhaps a dose of the facts will tone down those emails: 1/ they must have forgotten that two weeks ago I went to South Carolina and interviewed Gov Romney in person and 2/ we made the same offer – interview with Gov Romney in Florida -and the Romney campaign declined.
Here is Part 1:

Here is Part 2:

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