Sunday, January 29, 2012

Occupy Oakland Flares up again; 300 Arrested

If there is one city in America that has been home to the Occupy movement's most petulant miscreants, it's Oakland. Again, former Obama green jobs czar and Occupy organizer Van Jones is from Oakland. He has a rather cozy relationship with Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), whose district includes Oakland; Lee has a rather cozy relationship with Valerie Jarrett, Obama's closest adviser. Until Americans begin to connect these dots, little to no accountability will take place. The liberal media certainly isn't doing the job.

Nonetheless, Occupy Oakland has just flared up again and has given the movement something to cheer about. With 300 arrests in Oakland all on the same day, the Occupy movement is now officially well over 6000 arrests nationwide.

Guess what?

They're so proud of it that they're tracking it.

ABC News reports that three officers were injured:
Police spokesman Jeff Thomason says most of the arrests came around 8 p.m. That's when police took about 100 protesters into custody as they marched through the city's downtown, with some entering a YMCA building.

About 20 demonstrators were arrested earlier in the afternoon, after police say they threw rocks, bottles and other objects at officers and tore down fencing.

Police say three officers were injured. Officers used tear gas and "flash" grenades on the protesters after they refused to leave.

Authorities were still tabulating the exact number of arrests late Saturday.
Again, these whackos like to portray themselves as victims. Do victims seek to add to their arrest totals while injuring police?

Here's a video of Oakland on January 28th via Breitbart:

h/t Weasel Zippers

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