Sunday, January 22, 2012

Video: Newt on Meet the Press, Followed by mildly sour Chris Christie

After a week in which Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich thoroughly defeated the liberal media establishment, David Gregory of Meet the Press gave it his shot and had just as much luck. At about the 1:50 mark, Gregory charged that Newt was a 'lobbyist' for Freddie Mac. Gingrich then did exactly to Gregory to what he'd done to other reporters, albeit a bit more subtly.

The more the media attempts to attack him, the stronger Gingrich seems to get. Neither the liberal media, nor the Republican establishment knows how to handle him.


Shortly after Newt's appearance, New Jersey governor Chris Christie sat down with Gregory. In many ways, he seemed as bitter about Gingrich's victory in South Carolina as Ann Coulter did.

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