Saturday, February 11, 2012

Breitbart Bombshell: He has video of Obama during his Columbia years

Andrew Breitbart's speech at CPAC was a blockbuster. Check it out. In it, he refers to a dinner he had with none other than Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Once you get past the praise Breitbart had for Bill Ayers' cooking, he dropped a bombshell; he claimed he had video of Barack Obama at Columbia back in the early 1980's. Interestingly, Breitbart made the claim less than a week after he was in the Ayers' home.

Where did he get the videos?

Wasn't Bill Ayers at Columbia at the same time Obama was? To this point, it hasn't been proven that the two met each other there but will the videos reveal it?

Via MediaIte:

Here is video of Breitbart outside CPAC, confronting the OWS'rs:

h/t GWP

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