Sunday, February 12, 2012

Operation Cajones (BoehnerBalls)

Great idea, courtesy of a Sipsey Street reader. As the days pass, the clues coming out of Congress only seem to reinforce the claims that House Speaker John Boehner is putting the kibosh on the Oversight Committee's Fast and Furious investigation.

Though it's a bit too early to say for sure, it's not too early to let Boehner know that he needs to grow a pair. At minimum, he's not expressing much public support for the investigation. At maximum, he could be obstructing justice.

Gayle Nyberg wrote into Sipsey Street with the draft of a letter she is encouraging everyone print out and send to House Speaker John Boehner, along with a couple of fuzzy balls. Here is the contents of the letter. Please print out; instructions on what to do next are at bottom.
Operation Cajones

An Outreach to Speaker Boehner
Speaker Boehner,

I have become increasingly frustrated of late, as you seem to lack the necessary courage and fortitude to pursue any number of actions that would lead the Congress to stopping the illegal and unconstitutional actions of this President.

Recognizing that perhaps your time in Washington has either removed or dramatically shrunk those essential apparatus from whence much courage and boldness spring, it is my humble hope that you will accept the enclosed prosthetic replacements for your own natural ones that clearly have atrophied to uselessness.

Please take these tokens and keep them in your pocket and at any time you feel the urge to cave in, cry, or give yet another pass to this budding tyrant, just reach into your pocket and caress these substitutes so you might be comforted in knowing you now have a big fuzzy pair. 
Hope this helps.

Yours truly,
It's worth noting that the photo below, courtesy of Nyberg includes a bag of 100 fuzzy balls that can be purchased for less than $5 in most places. Please print out 50 copies of the letter, buy a bag of balls and hand out to 50 people.

Remember, you'll be doing Boehner a favor. If he truly cared about the future of our kids, he wouldn't obstruct justice by instructing Oversight Committee to pull back on its investigation:

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