Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is Obama Administration letting Iran off the Hook for Murder of Marines?

In December of last year, a US federal district judge ruled that Iran and Hezbollah were behind the 9/11 attacks. In 2007, a US federal district judge ruled that Iran was liable for the attack on US Marines in Lebanon in 1983 and ordered Tehran to pony up $2.65 Billion.

Now, the World Tribune is reporting that the Obama administration is blocking legislation that would require the ruling be upheld and enforced.
President Barack Obama, in a bid to reconcile with the Teheran regime, has blocked legislation that would hold Iran accountable for the Hizbullah bombing that killed 241 U.S. Marines in 1983.

A survivors group has asserted that the administration is pressuring Democrats in Congress not to support a bill that would enforce massive judgements against Iran by the families of the Marines. In 2007, a U.S. federal district court judge found Iran liable for the Beirut bombing and ordered Teheran to pay $2.65 billion in damages.

“This administration talks a lot about sanctions, but we know Iran is watching this case closely and, astonishingly, Obama’s people are taking Iran’s side,” Lynn Smith Derbyshire, a lobbyist for the legislation, said.
Let's not forget that Obama welcomed Hadi al-Ameri into the Oval Office about ten days before Judge George Daniel ruled Iran was responsible for 9/11. Al-Ameri, though a member of the Iraqi government, is and has been an agent for Iran with strong loyalties to the Ayatollah.

h/t Shoebat:

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