Friday, February 3, 2012

Video: Congressman says Holder must Resign or be Impeached

In the February 2nd Oversight Committee hearing, there were several interesting exchanges. Two stood out in particular. One was from Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC); the other was from Rep. Raoul Labarador (R-ID). Gowdy appeared to catch Attorney General Eric Holder in a lie about main justice knowing about Fast and Furious. At one point, Holder stopped and asked to read the e-mails Gowdy was referring to.

Here is an interview conducted with Gowdy shortly after the hearing. The congressman appears convinced in Holder's culpability but frustrated that more members of Congress aren't willing to sign on to a petition of disapproval. His point is that if you can't even get 218 members to agree that Holder's actions were unacceptable, it's exponentially more difficult to get a majority to impeach.

As was the case with Democrats in the Clinton impeachment hearings, partisanship is so entrenched that wrongdoing means absolutely nothing to them.

Via Daily Caller:

Here's Gowdy's exchange with Holder:

Part 1:

Part 2:

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