Sunday, February 5, 2012

More on Boehner's Role in Fast and Furious Investigation

Taking a cue from Sipsey Street, Matthew Boyle at the Daily Caller made an inquiry to House Speaker John Boehner's office about charges that he is putting the leash on Rep. Darrell Issa's investigation. First of all, if it were true and Boehner was called on it, would you expect anything other than a vehement denial?

Well, a vehement denial is exactly what Boyle got from Boehner's spokesman, Michael Steel:
“Such speculation is absurd and untrue,” Steel said in an email to TheDC when asked to respond to the bloggers’ allegations. “The Speaker appreciates the hard work that Chairman Issa and many others have done to expose this scandal. President Obama’s Department of Justice needs to be accountable.”

TheDC followed up and asked Steel if his boss supports the 103 Republican House members who have either demanded Holder’s resignation or expressed “no confidence” in him via a formal House resolution, or both.

Rather than answer the question to quell concerns about the strength of Boehner’s leadership as the controversy gathers steam, Steel dodged it by responding with the same exact boilerplate message just nine minutes after he sent it the first time.

“The Speaker appreciates the hard work that Chairman Issa and many others have done to expose this scandal,” Steel emailed again. “President Obama’s Department of Justice needs to be accountable.”
Does anyone remember how fiery Boehner was when he was in the minority? Remember his righteous anger as Obamacare the $787 Billion stimulus was about to pass? He slammed down the monstrosity on the House floor. It was quintessential red meat for conservatives who pumped their fists and had the bill rammed down their throats anyway.

Why? Because Boehner could moan all he wanted; he had no power.

Now that he has power, he's conspicuous about not using it. Whether he is behind Issa's much tamer performance at the recent Oversight hearing with Eric Holder is still unproven but make no mistake, Issa was not his usual fiery self. Something happened. Something changed.

As the leader of the House Majority, Boehner should be publicly standing with Issa. One can argue about his involvement in muzzling the Committee chairman but it is quite clear that Boehner has no interest in getting behind Issa, which is another reason to believe that it's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility that he is telling him to stand down.

Where is THIS John Boehner now that his party is in the Majority?

Instead, we get THIS John Boehner:

More HERE.

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