Sunday, February 5, 2012

Video: Bill Moyers Jumps to the Defense of Saul Alinsky

This is evidence that Newt Gingrich's decision to go after Obama on the latter's ties to Saul Alinsky is effective. Unfortunately, Mitt Romney doesn't seem interested in doing the same. Gingrich actually backed off the Alinsky comparisons in the last two debates not because of the backlash but because he found himself on defense against Romney.

In 2008, Obama's ties to Jeremiah Wright could have prevented him from being President. McCain wouldn't do it. He instructed his Party not to. In 2012, exposing Obama's ties to the Alinsky model would be just as effective, especially after seeing it implemented for three years.

Here is Moyers attempting to reinvent the legacy of a man who dedicated his last book to "Lucifer." This should be a sign to conservatives that Alinsky is Obama's weakness. Then again, I have doubts that anyone other than Gingrich would exploit that weakness. Romney certainly doesn't seem all that interested in doing it.

Via Breitbart:

Bill Moyers Essay: Newt's Obesession with Saul Alinsky from on Vimeo.

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