Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Video: Arizona Sheriff says Eric Holder 'Perjured himself'

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu isn't just a no-nonsense officer of the law, he's also running for Congress. Next to Joe Arpaio, you'll be hard pressed to find a tougher sheriff. Babeu spoke at CPAC last week and devoted his entire speech to the Fast and Furious scandal.

Babeu spoke to the Daily Caller at CPAC:
Pinal County, Ariz. Sheriff Paul Babeu, a Republican congressional candidate, told The Daily Caller he thinks Attorney General Eric Holder “perjured himself” before Congress when testifying about Operation Fast and Furious.

“I believe that [Holder], and many sheriffs in Arizona believe that, he has perjured himself,” Babeu said during an interview with TheDC at this weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. “His story has changed. After there was evidence produced that he did know — he was given briefings, he was given emails — he then started to walk back his statements to say that, ‘well, I misunderstood the question.’”

“As a police officer before I was a sheriff, when somebody I’m talking to starts to change their story — that’s a clue they’re not telling the truth,” Babeu continued. “So, this guy is in charge of the Department of Justice, still — to this day — from Dec. 15, 2010, so it’s been over a year and there’s still been no accountability, we still don’t know who’s approved this program. How can that be? In the Department of What?”
If reports about any alleged deal in the Fast and Furious investigation are true (not saying they are), the constant sunlight being shone on the scandal by the likes of Babeu will help prevent that deal from being sealed.

Keep the pressure on, even if Issa has not been instructed by Boehner to stand down.

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