Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Video: Former Al-Qaeda Supporter Endorses Ron Paul

The man you see in the video below is Yousef al Khattab, formerly Joseph Cohen. He is a close colleague of a man named Younes Abdullah Muhammad, formerly known as Jesse Morton.  Muhammad recently pleaded guilty to three counts of, essentially, terrorism.

Via FBI website:
Jesse Curtis Morton, aka Younus Abdullah Muhammed, 33, of New York City, pleaded guilty today to using his position as a leader of Revolution Muslim Organization’s Internet sites to conspire to solicit murder, make threatening communications, and use the Internet to place others in fear.
Here is more on the website the two men co-founded.

Khattab has formerly expressed support for Osama bin Laden and the Revolution Muslim website is tied to quite a few terrorists.

Believe it or not, all of that is secondary to the purpose of this post. In this video, Khattab talks about his friend in sympathetic terms and if you fast forward to the 20:48 mark, he throws his complete and total support behind Ron Paul for president.

Hey Ron Pauliens, it's time to wake up now.

From Jawa via Shoebat

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