Thursday, February 16, 2012

Video: Santorum shows difference between "Rombo," and "Rahmbo"

A little late posting this but worth a look if you haven't seen it yet. The strategy of the Romney campaign has been the politics of personal destruction ever since it proved effective in Iowa when it was used to derail Gingrich's momentum. After Santorum's performance in Iowa, Romney's PAC went after him. When Gingrich won in South Carolina, team Romney turned its sights back on to Gingrich in Florida.

In short, Romney's money has his opponents out-gunned at every turn, which makes this ad from Santorum's campaign one of the more effective because it's both humorous and a very accurate allegory for what Romney is doing.

Former Obama Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel became known as Rahmbo. The Santorum campaign now has introduced Rombo:

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