Thursday, February 16, 2012

Video: Obama OMB Director makes Big Gaffe

It's been a rough week for Barack Obama's OMB Acting Director Jeffrey Zeints. It began when Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) made him look foolish after Zeints wouldn't answer a very basic question.

A day later, Zeints was in front of the House Budget Committee and actually torpedoed a central component in the argument of Obama's Justice Department in defense of Obamacare's individual mandate. First, the argument is that portion of the law that allows the government to fine anyone who doesn't purchase health insurance is rooted in the government's taxing authority.

Via National Law Review, h/t Hot Air:
The minimum coverage provision is independently authorized by Congress’ taxing power. The DOJ argues that the provision operates as a tax law, and the validity of an assessment under Congress’ taxing power does not depend on whether it is denominated a tax.
Yet, while being questioned by Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Zeints responded to a question about whether the fine was a tax by saying it wasn't.

Busted. Not that it matters, though. This administration has absolutely no problem with doing whatever it wants while lying all along the way.

h/t Washington Examiner

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