Wednesday, March 7, 2012

American Atheists posting anti-Muslim / anti-Jewish Billboards in New Jersey

This is sure to make for an interesting study in tolerance. Imagine placing one billboard near a synagogue that says, in Hebrew, that God doesn't exist. Then imagine placing one billboard near a mosque that says, in Arabic, that Allah doesn't exist. Which one would generate more death threats?

Via the Daily Caller:
Despite receiving multiple death threats, American Atheists will move forward with plans to erect billboards proclaiming, “You know it’s a myth… and you have a choice” — one in the heart of a predominantly Orthodox Jewish community in the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn, N.Y. on Tuesday, and another on Wednesday two blocks from a mosque in Paterson, N.J., which is home to a large Muslim population.

The Arabic word for Allah will appear on the billboard in Paterson while the Hebrew translation of God will be printed on the one in Williamsburg.

American Atheists, based in Cranford, N.J., is a civil liberties group that advocates for the “total, absolute separation of government and religion” and equality for atheists.

David Silverman, president of American Atheists, told The Daily Caller that he contacted the police on Monday after receiving threatening phone calls and faxes from disgruntled individuals angry with the decision to put up the signs.

Threats made against Silverman’s life, which he described as “anti-Marxist and anti-Semitic,” are currently being investigated by the Cranford Police Department.
Would love to know what "anti-Marxist" means but "anti-Semitic" quite likely means it wasn't the Jewish community in that instance.

Remember the two atheists who marched in a Halloween parade last year? One dressed as "Muhammad Zombie" and the other dressed as "Pope Zombie."

Guess which one was assaulted and by what member of what religion.

More here.

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