Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Obama Energy Flip-Flop: High Gas prices good when...

...he's the challenger in an election year as opposed to being the incumbent. First up, here is Barack Obama fielding a question about rising gas prices from Ed Henry of Fox News.

h/t GWP:

Got it? Ok, here is Obama circa the summer of 2008 on high gas prices when he was running for president. Note that he wanted higher gas prices but he wanted them to rise more slowly.

Of course, that's a nice compliment to this gem from 2008 in which Obama said that under his plan, energy costs would "necessarily skyrocket."

Perhaps lost in all of this is that the Newt Gingrich, the self-proclaimed "tortoise" in the race for the Republican nomination is beginning to own the narrative about gas prices. Like Herman Cain, he has come up with a very relevant and memorable slogan that is sticking with people. If he is elected, he promises $2.50 / gallon gasoline.

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