Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First Crack in Democrats' Unified Front on Fast and Furious?

A spokesman for Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK) was asked if the congressman still has confidence in Attorney General Eric Holder in light of the fallout from the Fast and Furious investigation. The required answer of all Democrats is, "absolutely." However, that wasn't the response from Boren's office.

Via Daily Caller:
Oklahoma Democratic Rep. Dan Boren won’t say if he supports Attorney General Eric Holder amid a surge in the number of House members who have demanded Holder’s resign over Operation Fast and Furious.

A spokesperson for Boren, a conservative Democrat who is a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, said the congressman had “no comment” on whether he still has confidence in Holder.

This is the first time a Democrat has openly refused to support Holder as 120 congressmen, three senators, two sitting governors and all major GOP presidential candidates demand his resignation.
The prospect of defending Holder on this issue, in an election year, does not bode well for House Democrats, especially the blue dogs who found themselves on thin ice after supporting Obamacare in 2010. If Fast and Furious becomes an issue in the election (less likely if Romney the nominee), Democrats may be less willing to fall on the sword for Obama than they were leading up to the midterms two years ago.

If your congressman is a Democrat - especially a blue dog - and find out why he/she has not called for Holder's resignation.

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