Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Video: Tea Party Nation Founder calls out John Boehner on Fast and Furious

Actually, Judson Phillips doesn't just call out John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Kevin McCarthy for not being aggressive enough in the Fast and Furious investigation; he provides some insight into why Boehner may be reticent to see this thing move forward. If there has been any truth to rumors that the House Speaker wants Issa to back off, Phillips provides the best possible answer as to why.

Note how he says during this interview that his sources inside Washington, D.C. said that if Boehner learned anything as a congressman during the Clinton administration, it was to "not pick a fight with the president." Phillips then rightly and rhetorically asks: If that's true, what is Boehner doing there?

Via MediaIte:

Explains a lot, doesn't it? Does this look like a man who's willing to pick a fight with anyone?

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