Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Video: CNN's Legal Analyst said SCOTUS Argument for Obamacare was a "Train wreck"

Today's argument in front of the Supreme Court over Obamacare was billed as the main event in terms of the multiple arguments taking place this week. If it was, CNN's expert legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin all but declared it a knockout for the Obama administration, calling it a "train wreck."

Here is his assessment of today's arguments. Note what he says toward the end. Assuming all four liberal lemming judges fall in line behind Obama's signature piece of legislation, opponents of the law might be more concerned that Justice John Roberts seemed to show more support for the law than did normal swing Justice, Anthony Kennedy.

Via TPM:

If Roberts is the most supportive of the law / individual mandate among the five most conservative Justices, it didn't come through in this exchange he had with Obama's Solicitor General, David Verrilli.


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