Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Why George Zimmerman being a Democrat matters

When it comes to the Trayvon Martin murder, the mainstream media has tried to push a narrative very similar to the one it manufactured in the wake of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting - with the added fuel of a racial angle - on the American people. That narrative (sometimes overt, other times implied) has been that Trayvon's killer was a conservative Republican. He was also a white male who, while bitterly clinging to his gun and his religion, stalked a young black teen and shot him just because of the color of that teen's skin.

Tailor-made for the predispositions of the race baiters who profit from rubbing raw - in quintessential Alinsky fashion - the sores of discontent, right?

Uh, not so much. George Zimmerman is a latino and a Democrat. In fact, the media is generally ignoring that fact, referring to Zimmerman as a "white hispanic," whatever that is. In a normal world, those things shouldn't be relevant but in order to blunt the incendiary tactics of the mainstream media, which is full of liberal apparatchiks, seemingly irrelevant and tangential facts must be underscored in order to diffuse the racially charged climate created by the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Now, as I wrote about here, the possibility exists that Zimmerman shot Trayvon because the latter actually went for the former's gun.

Via Yahoo News:
George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch crime captain who shot dead 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, originally told police in a written statement that Martin knocked him down with a punch to the nose, repeatedly slammed his head on the ground and tried to take his gun, a police source told ABC News.

Zimmerman had claimed he had called police about Martin, whom he found suspicious, then went back to his car when Martin attacked him, punching him.

The new information is the most complete version yet of what Zimmerman claims happened on the night of Feb. 26 when he shot and killed the teenager.

In addition, an eyewitness, 13-year-old Austin Brown, told police he saw a man fitting Zimmerman's description lying on the grass moaning and crying for help just seconds before he heard the gunshot that killed Martin.
The fact remains that we don't have all the facts as the left continues to manufacture false realities.

When Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot early last year, the mainstream media thought it had the perfect political narrative; a deranged Tea Party conservative was driven over the edge by Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin's target chart.

Again, Uh, not so much. Jared Loughner was apolitical at best and if he wasn't, he was a deranged leftist who listed the Communist manifesto as one of his favorite books.

h/t Free Republic

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