Thursday, March 29, 2012

Video: CNN's Jeffrey Toobin gives wrap-up Assessment of Obamacare Arguments at SCOTUS

CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin has been the network's go-to guy after each of the three days of legal arguments on Obamacare in front of the Supreme Court. Every time they've gotten his take, he said it was either a "train wreck" or a "plane wreck" for the Obama administration. Before you take heart, remember, it IS CNN. That said, he REALLY went out on a limb if he was trying to make it look worse than it was.

The lynchpin of the law - the individual mandate - is all but gone, according to Toobin. He's even saying that scrapping the entire law is a possibility for two reasons. One, the individual mandate is the lynchpin and two, there is no severability clause in the law.

Here is Toobin after the final day of arguments. He does a very good job of explaining what happens now. Each of the nine Justices will vote on Friday so they will all know how this is likely going to go before the weekend. We won't know until the end of June.

h/t Hapblog

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