Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Video: Is Eric Holder turning a blind eye to Felonies based on race?

Two questions. Is the bounty that the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) has placed on the head of George Zimmerman a crime? If so, is Attorney General Eric Holder going to do anything about it? According to former Justice Department Attorney, J. Christian Adams, the answer to the first question is not only, "yes" but it's also a felony in Florida. As for the second question, if the handling of the 2008 voter intimidation case is any indication, Holder's DOJ will probably do nothing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    If Eric Holder does not prosecute those behind the bounty (NBPP) ... he should be thrown in jail for being complicit to it.

  3. OBTW ...

    Here's portions of a letter released to the gen public by the Sanford PD re: why they did not arrest Zimmerman. I have not seen the whole / actual letter in its entirety:
