Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Video: Occupy's Hibernating Months about to end?

As the Occupy Wall Street movement was kicking off last September, Van Jones referred to it as an "American Autumn," in an attempt to liken the movement to the "Arab Spring." The movement essentially went dormant as its stench, rampant crime, bad public perception, and winter months all bore down on it. Well, it's coming back this spring and the tactics are going to be changed to reflect a more local focus.

Via The Blaze:
It’s Springtime for Occupy!  That means the brilliant cast of characters that brought you the noxious, multimillion dollar expense to the taxpayer are back for a second round.  Two of The Blaze’s favorite leaders of civic unrest, arch-liberal sociologist Frances Fox Piven and SEIU labor organizer Stephen Lerner discussed  how Occupy Wall Street will pivot to a far more local, intimate occupation this spring after being evicted from their public squatting grounds with rubber bullets and crews in post apocalyptic hazmat suits.  In an in-depth interview with, Piven and Learner lay out five integral steps that Occupy will be taking this spring to keep a pulse going.
Here is a look at the Occupy movement's playbook:

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