Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Videos: Romney Communications Director and the 'Etch-a-Sketch' Gaffe

Uh, this can't be good for several reasons. One, there's nothing quite like the optics of an etch-a-sketch analogy. Two, Romney is already fighting a pretty imposing narrative that he's really a liberal. Three, the matter-of-fact nature in which Romney Communications Director Eric Ferhnstrom delivered his answer to a question about how Romney's conservative posture in the primaries could force him to run on a more conservative platform in the general than he otherwise would have to do.

In essence, Ferhnstrom said Romney can go back to being as liberal as is necessary after he secures the nomination.... with an "etch-a-sketch" metaphor.

Via GWP:

Of course, if this gaffe has legs, look for an etch-a-sketch to accompany every campaign speech. In this case, Newt only waited a few hours to use one.

Via Hot Air:

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