Monday, March 26, 2012

Video: Rick Santorum curses at New York Times Reporter (why is that bad?)

While on a rope line at a campaign stop, Rick Santorum unleashed on New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny after Zeleny asked Santorum if he thought Mitt Romney was the worst Republican choice for president. It's hard to fault Santorum here. He actually seemed to channel the rage of conservatives who are fed up with liberal media bias.

Another aspect to this is the liberal media's overt support for Romney as the nominee. This singling out of Santorum all started after a very significant Romney campaign gaffe, when the communications director suggested Romney would move to the left after getting the nomination by using an Etch-a-Sketch metaphor. When Santorum tried to illustrate that there is not enough of a contrast between Romney and Obama, the media pounced. Suddenly, the Etch-a-Sketch gaffe was replaced by Santorum's handling of it. The question by Zeleny is designed to continue the media-created narrative that says Santorum thinks there's no difference between Obama and Romney.

Via CBS:

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