Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Video: Obama's 'Hot mic' incident with Russia's Medvedev

While in South Korea, President Barack Obama was caught on a 'hot mic' asking outgoing Russian President Dimitri Medvedev to give him some "space" until after the "election," that he'll have "more flexibility" then. In this CBS news report, Bill Plante says the administration had to concede that Obama said what he said. That may actually be the most surprising aspect to all of this, especially considering Jay Carney's incessant attempts to spin other obvious facts.

Here is video from Obama from 2008 in which he pledged a world "without nuclear weapons." Of course, there is no possible way he is naive enough to believe that if the United States disarms, everyone else will too. Assuming he's not that naive, why would he disarm the United States while other nations continue to build more?

After all, Russia has a storied history of being honest, right?

Of course, I continue to get back to Mitt Romney's electability. As I have maintained for some time now, the liberal media WANTS Romney to be the Republican nominee for a whole host of reasons, not the least of which is his religion.

The Republican Party candidates in 2012 have all been thoroughly vetted from practically every angle with one exception. Romney's religion has gotten a pass. That is not by accident. If he is the nominee, the media will destroy him over it and the inability for Republicans who support him to see it boggles the mind. The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to do to Romney what it did not do to Obama over the latter's ties to Jeremiah Wright - and it will probably work.

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