Saturday, April 21, 2012

County chairman in Delaware now backing Gingrich

If nothing else, this fits right into Newt's 'I am the tortoise' narrative. A Republican county chairman in Delaware - whose state's primary is this Tuesday - is backing Gingrich because... Romney is acting like a bunny rabbit.

Via the AP:
The chairman of Kent County's Republican Party says he's switching his support from Mitt Romney to Newt Gingrich.

Hans Reigle on Friday said he was throwing his support to the former House speaker because he "is the only candidate who has shown a willingness to meet and talk with Delaware voters for more than an hour." The defection comes before Delaware's primary on Tuesday.

Romney is all-but-certain to win the GOP's presidential nomination and the campaign has largely shifted to the head-to-head contest against President Barack Obama. Gingrich has refused to yield and has been campaigning in Delaware despite a seemingly impossible path to the nomination.
Someone thinks the bunny rabbit is ignoring them.

h/t Free Republic

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