Saturday, April 21, 2012

Obama's Dog and Polygamy problems

You've got to admit, this was a very good week for the Romney campaign - even after the Hilary Rosen gaffe that worked in Romney's favor last week - not so much for what it initiated but how it capitalized on two unforced errors by the Obama team. First, Obama's "lapdog" media - likely on cue - went after Romney over the family putting the dog in a kennel on the roof of the car for family vacations. Ann Romney defended the practice, saying that the dog (Seamus) liked it but that she wouldn't do it again based on all of the attention it's received.

A short time later, team Romney gave ten times more than it got when someone unearthed a portion of Obama reciting from his book Dreams from My Father in which he made reference to eating dog as a child.

Now ask yourself. If you were a dog, would you rather ride on the roof of a car with the wind blowing in your face or end up on someone's plate?

Via Right Scoop:

Next, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer (D) told the Daily Beast that Mitt Romney would have a tough time with Hispanic voters because his father was "born in a polygamy compound in Mexico.
"The Daily Beast contacted the office of Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer today to talk about whether his state would be in play in the 2012 presidential election. About a half hour later, the governor called back, and he had a lot to say. He didn’t think that Montana would be a swing state, but the Democrat did say that Mitt Romney could have issues nationally because his father was “born on a polygamy commune in Mexico.”

While discussing swing states, Schweitzer said Romney would have a “tall order to position Hispanics to vote for him,” and I replied that was mildly ironic since Mitt’s father was born in Mexico, giving the clan a nominal claim to being Hispanic. Schweitzer replied that it is “kinda ironic given that his family came from a polygamy commune in Mexico, but then he’d have to talk about his family coming from a polygamy commune in Mexico, given the gender discrepancy.” Women, he said, are “not great fans of polygamy, 86 percent were not great fans of polygamy. I am not alleging by any stretch that Romney is a polygamist and approves of [the] polygamy lifestyle, but his father was born into [a] polygamy commune in Mexico.”
Apparently, Schweitzer didn't get the memo that the polygamist history of Obama's ancestry is quite extensive.

Via the Washington Post:
The line of polygamists in Obama’s family can be traced back generations in western Kenya, where it was an accepted practice within the Luo (pronounced LOO-oh) tribe. His great-grandfather, Obama Opiyo, had five wives, including two who were sisters. His grandfather, Hussein Onyango, had at least four wives, one of whom, Akumu, gave birth to the president’s father, Barack Obama, before fleeing her abusive husband. Obama Sr. was already married when he left Kenya to study at the University of Hawaii, where he married again. His American wife-to-be, Stanley Ann Dunham, was not yet 18 and unaware of his marital situation when she became pregnant with his namesake son in 1961.
Just because it's relevant.

h/t GWP

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