Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sharpton headed to Oklahoma? Three Blacks killed in Tulsa; Police searching for White Male

If there is one thing that might turn Al Sharpton's attention away from the Trayvon Martin shooting and on to something else, this very well could be it.

From KJCT 8, via Sipsey Street:
Three people were killed and two were injured Friday in four shootings in north Tulsa, Okla., and police are searching for a lone suspected gunman, they said.

Tulsa police spokesman Capt. Jonathan Brooks said investigators were looking into whether the shootings may have been possible hate crimes.

"We're not absolutely certain, but a hate crime is a possibility. And we'll go with where the investigation leads us," he said.

All of the victims are black. The suspected shooter is a white male and is believed to be traveling in a white truck, said Brooks.
Tragically, this is the kind of thing that could give nefarious opportunists their Kristallnacht moment.

Sipsey Street's Vanderboegh relays an interesting Neo-Nazi connection to Tulsa via a man named Dennis Mahon - a guy McVeigh used to run with.

CNN has video report. The man you hear being interviewed is Jack Henderson of the Tulsa City Council:

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