Sunday, April 8, 2012

Two White Males arrested for Murder of Blacks in Tulsa

Two white males have been arrested for the shootings of five black victims. Three of the shooting victims have died. two are in critical condition. The motive of one of the shooters appears to be some form of misplaced retribution for the murder of his father.

Via Fox News:
Two arrests have been made in the North Tulsa shootings that left three African American men dead, FOX23 reports.

Cops apprehended two white males -- 19-year-old Jake England and Alvin Watts, 32 -- at 1:47 a.m. local time, KOKI reported.

They will be charged with three counts of murder and two counts of shooting with intent to kill.
Two years ago, Jake England's father was allegedly killed by a black man named Pernell Jackson, who was arrested for the murder.

Someone needs to tell Al Sharpton to stay away from the state of Oklahoma. Nothing good can come from his presence there. It might also be wise for Barack Obama to keep his mouth shut about any resemblance any of the victims might have to his hypothetical son.

Here is a video report from MSNBC this morning:

h/t GWP

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