Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Video: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell provides perfect Appetizer for Media attacks on Romney

As much as it pains me to say that MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell makes a well-reasoned argument, he absolutely does here. Mitt Romney is in trouble with the mainstream media over his Mormonism. In this monologue, O'Donnell starts out by referring to a racist quote from Brigham Young, a man who Mormons believe was a prophet. O'Donnell conveys that Romney has praised Young in the past.

Again, my views on Mormonism are irrelevant. It's the views of the mainstream media and how they will communicate them that are going to matter. Look, NBC manipulated a 911 call and aired an altered tape to make George Zimmerman look like a racist who murdered Trayvon Martin in cold blood.

The Republican Party - and Romney in particular - have a very big hurdle to overcome relative to Mormonism. Based on what O'Donnell says below (and we can expect much, much more of it in months to come), Romney is going to have a pretty bad time getting the black vote.

Republicans really need to ask themselves if Romney is their guy because, frankly, he is among the most vulnerable when it comes to his religion... and the mainstream media knows it.

Pretty hard to refute O'Donnell here.

Via MediaIte:

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