Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Shoebat Exclusive: Egyptian Presidential candidate practicing Muruna

Former Muslim Brotherhood member Walid Shoebat has done it again. This time, he has unearthed video evidence that Egyptian presidential candidate Abol Futuh is practicing Muruna, a very deceptive practice sanctioned by Muslim Brotherhood cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi that allows Muslims to engage in any and all prohibitions - if doing so furthers a larger agenda.

Remember, the Muslim Brotherhood promised not to field a presidential candidate. Futuh was allegedly "expelled" from the Brotherhood and is now running for president of Egypt.

Via Shoebat:
Interestingly, Muruna would theoretically allow Futuh to be jettisoned from the Brotherhood for a higher calling, namely, running for president.
It would also allow a woman named Huma Abedin to marry a Jew (Anthony Weiner) and become the Deputy Chief of Staff for Hillary Clinton (Huma's mother is a member of the Brotherhood's Muslim Sisterhood arm).

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