Monday, April 30, 2012

Video: Republican Congressman dodges question about Boehner's support for Contempt Citation

During an interview with Fox's Bill Hemmer, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who sits on the House Energy & Commerce Committee didn't just refuse to answer a question about Speaker John Boehner's support for a contempt citation against Attorney General Eric Holder over Fast and Furious. He answered a question that wasn't asked... twice. Hemmer wanted to know from Scalise if Boehner supported efforts by Darrell Issa and the Oversight Committee to issue that citation. Scalise twice responded with irrelevant references to Boehner wanting transparency from the administration.

Either these guys know that the second they say that Boehner supports the petition, issuance of the citation immediately becomes imminent OR Boehner doesn't support it.

Via Fox News:

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