Tuesday, May 1, 2012

EPA Official resigns over his Crucifixion metaphor

What do Al Armendariz and Van Jones have in common? Both resigned from the Obama administration after revealing beliefs being so disturbing that they became radioactive to the administration. However, in Jones' case, he just hopped on over to a fellowship position in George Soros' Center for American Progress (CAP).

The Dallas News has the Armendariz resignation letter:
Dear Friends,

I have been honored to serve as your regional administrator for EPA's region 6 office the last 2 and ½ years. I never once forgot that the reason I was appointed was to serve you, to act as your voice, and to work day and night to better protect the environment and your safety.

Today I am resigning my position as regional administrator. This was not something that was asked of me by Administrator Jackson or the White House. It is a decision I made myself. I had become too much of a distraction, and no one person is more important than the incredible work being done by the rest of the team at EPA.

I leave with an incredible sense of pride for the things the Agency accomplished and it was fantastic to be a part of the effort. Administrator Jackson has overseen a renaissance in the Agency and it is again the global leader in environmental protection. President Obama has been incredibly supportive of me and my work and the Agency. He'll undoubtedly go down as the most environmental president we have ever had.

Thank you all for letting me into your homes and communities, and showing me the challenges you face every day from pollution and lack of infrastructure. Your stories are now part of my fabric and the fabric of the Agency.

Best always,
Al Armendariz
Something else Armendariz and Jones share in common. Both said they resigned of their own volition without any encouragement from the White House. In Jones' case, that meant the Obama administration was perfectly content with having an avowed communist and 9/11 Truther on its staff. In the case of Armendariz, the White House had no problem with a guy who viewed his job as one that involves "crucifying" oil companies. It also indicates that the administration has no problem with what Armendariz was doing - crippling oil companies over ideology.

Here is the video that led to Armendariz's resignation:

h/t Free Republic 

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