Friday, May 25, 2012

Confirmed: Romney can now officially call Obama a 'socialist'

Last year, during an appearance on the O'Reilly Factor, Mitt Romney refused to call Obama a socialist when asked. Instead, he said he would prefer to just say, "he's in over his head," a "liberal," and a, "failure."

Well, the least Romney could do is ask Mr. Obama why he attended a socialist event in 1996.

Via Buzzfeed:
It's a reminder that the President presented himself as much more progressive during his time in Chicago. In this little-seen advertisement that ran in the Hyde Park Herald in 1996, Obama was listed on a panel sponsored by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), University of Chicago Democrats, and University of Chicago DSA.
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) = Communists. Allen West was derided for identifying 80 communists in Congress. Imagine if he'd have pointed to the White House too.

Reason #1,965 Not to get excited about Mitt Romney.

Back on May 9th, Buzzfeed posted a find perhaps even more significant because it shows that Obama's gay marriage position never evolved; it changed for political expediency. He's lying... again, which is what socialists do. Here is a document signed by Obama himself. It is a list of answers he gave to questions pertaining to homosexual rights. Note what he wrote for answer #6:
"I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages."
Is it possible to "evolve" and "devolve" at the same time?

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